Mother nature strikes the world.

Monday morning again, for some of us a normal day of work or without work, for others a day of chaos and sorrow thinking of the people of Japan. The weekend was dramatic with all the news channels who are wallowing in grief, you wonder sometimes. But on the other hand, there were no photographers could not see devastation that Mother Nature creates sometimes, unfortunately, we are powerless against her. And the other hand, we have ourselves to blame, adults of today places so much crap in the world, and those who suffer are the children and animals, nature does not take what seems like forever, either. We adults are selfish in our next generation, we want more and more while so shocked we brutally when natural disasters comes into force, as it not happened before. Emergency services are paralyzed when something happens, and you have various excuses for it, something happened recently when disaster strikes, many professors and scientific men are sitting with facts how it works, but they must not create chaos in the world, including from superpower insanity among senior people. Ask your city ministers or kings if they were not warned well in advance, no, we are remaining deployed as decoys and tests. When will people wake up and realize that we are cheated right in front.